Florida Man: Tales of the Unbelievably Bizarre
What do you think when you hear the term “Florida Man?” This term has become a warning sign that you’re about to learn about a crazy and unbelievable story.
Stay Safe: What to Do in a Gator Encounter
Are you in an area where you might have a gator encounter? Although it’s rare, alligators have been known to attack people and their pets.
Sasquatch: The Timeless Legend of America’s Hairy Giant
The legend of the Sasquatch has been around for centuries. Stories of a man-like creature wandering around in the forest, sneaking up on people, are widespread.
Top 5 Conspiracy Theories That Could Be True
Conspiracy theories have to begin with a token of truth or something that is plausible and accepted by at least two or more people.
7 Absurd Laws Still On the Books Across the U.S.
Laws are meant to be broken, or so we’re told in some cases. Strangely, some laws are meant to remain, regardless of how absurd they are.