Craziest New Stories Show How Odd the World Can Be

What are some of the craziest news stories you’ve heard recently? Some of these stories remind us of the wonderful, odd, and unique world in which we live.

The world is full of people who choose to do things their own way. These people march to the beat of their own drum and tend to break out of the norm. While doing some of these odd and strange things, they might run into situations that cause them to end up in the news and become part of a bigger story.

Here are some of the craziest news stories we’ve come across recently.

Rowing with the whales

This story has two parts to it. Tom Waddington ventured out into the Atlantic Ocean to row across this massive body of water on his own. This solo adventure will take a long time to complete, but Waddington isn’t alone in his quest. A pod of pilot whales chose to surround and follow him for several hours. These massive creatures are playful and somewhat friendly, but out in the middle of the ocean, they can churn up the water, and one even smacked into his boat.

Creepy technology

The advancement of robotics is nothing new. Robotics is used in many areas of our lives, and those areas are increasing every year. Still, giving a robot a humanoid skin face that looks like actual flesh has to be one of the craziest news stories of the year. What’s more, the programmers made it so that this robot could smile with its fleshy face. This is certainly a unique and creepy look on a machine. It seems strange, but maybe it’s the next step toward androids roaming the planet with us.

Another random monolith

Various metallic monoliths have been showing up in different areas of the world since 2020. Most recently, one of these strange items appeared in the Las Vegas desert. Monoliths have appeared in Utah, Romania, California, Spain, Wales, and Paraguay since 2020, but the strange part is that no one seems to know who or what is being the appearance of these large metallic prisms. As you would expect, some people think these objects have been put here by alien visitors.

Wally Gator is lost

Have you ever heard of an emotional support alligator? Most of us would never think of having an alligator as a pet or as a creature that would provide us with emotional support. That said, Wally Gator is well known for visiting nursing homes and meeting the mayor of Philadelphia while performing his emotional support duties. Unfortunately, this is the craziest of news stories, but the fact that Wally is missing in Georgia seems to be big news. Wally’s owner claims the alligator was kidnapped, recovered, and released into a swamp in Georgia.

The Chicago Rat Hole disappearance

A residential block in Chicago’s North Side neighborhood of Roscoe Village has been home to a strange cement indentation that’s been affectionately called the “Chicago Rat Hole.” The imprint is shaped like a rodent of some sort; local residents claim it was caused by a squirrel, but it’s become famous after a comedian shared a photo of it. Because area residents complained about visitors to this odd imprint, the square containing the imprint has been removed and is now in temporary storage.

The horses are loose

Five military horses got loose on the streets of London recently. This is one of the craziest news stories, with one of the horses appearing to be covered in blood. The five horses galloped through the rush hour crowd of cars and smashed into vehicles and people before they were recaptured. The horses broke loose from a routine training exercise when they were spooked by the sound of concrete hitting the ground at a nearby construction site in the city. The horses tossed soldiers from their seats, injuring three of them in the process.

Worms make scientists rethink life on Earth

A strange predatory worm fossil is known to be a big part of life on this planet 500 million years ago. At this time in the planet’s history, all life lived in the water, including these small predatory worms. While the worms themselves are strange, what makes the scientists think they might have to rethink life during that time, is the dating of some of these worm fossils. Some fossils have been recorded that could have lived up to 25 million years after they were thought to have vanished.

These are just a few of the craziest news stories that have come out of the odd and wonderful place that we live. Which story is the craziest to you?

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