Man vs. Wildlife: The Strangest Animal Encounters You Won’t Believe

Humans and wild animals have coexisted in this world for centuries, but some of the strangest animal encounters are unexpected events in our lives.

We have a lot more in common with most wild animals than you might expect. Although wildlife creatures can’t reason or develop technology, many animals love to spend time in warm climates and sunshine, just like people. Some animals migrate south during the colder northern months, while other animals stay in one place and create winter homes for hibernation.

During some of these events, wild animals and people could cross paths. Here are some of the strangest animal encounters that you might not believe.

A Mountain Lion Locks Eyes

Mountain lions are native to California and can be encountered in many areas. Because people have caved roads through the wilderness where these large cats live, it’s possible to encounter one in many places. One woman reported locking eyes with a mountain lion when the large cat jumped in front of her late at night. Thankfully, after a very uncomfortable few seconds, the mountain lion disappeared into the wilderness on the other side of the road.

Foxes Are Playful

Some wild animals just want to play, much like your own dog or cat. One of the strangest animal encounters reported happened when a woman was on a hike down a mountain ahead of her family, and a fox began running around her and playing much like a dog would if it wanted to play. Once the family caught up with her, the fox ran away, but this little fox gave the woman a memorable moment that she could think back on for many years.

Making Friends With a Dolphin

Many areas offer opportunities for people to swim with dolphins or experience these playful water mammals. It’s not often that you encounter them up close in the wild. One woman remembers playing with a dolphin while scuba diving in the Red Sea in Egypt. The dolphin seemed curious about these visitors that were not part of its normal routine. There were three dolphins, two adults, and a baby, which began circling the divers. The dolphins showed off their playful side before swimming off.

Sea Turtle Snorkeling Fun

Sea creatures are curious about people when they are in the water. One of the strangest animal encounters reported happened while a couple was snorkeling in Kauai. While snorkeling, a giant sea turtle swam between the two people and wasn’t more than three feet from them. The turtle seemed to join the pair for about 20 minutes, curious about them and what they were doing in the ocean. This made for an extremely cool experience for the two snorkelers during their time in the water.

Giraffes Love to be Fed

It’s important to keep a safe distance from most wild animals in Africa. There are some places where you can get up close with some of the more docile animals, such as giraffes. The Giraffe Centre near Nairobi is a great place to go when you want to stand face-to-face with a giraffe and feed it. There are a handful of these tall animals in the area that will take food from your hand or mouth. They seem playful and fun, giving people an amazing experience they wouldn’t get in the wild.

Let a Butterfly Lead the Way

Among the strangest animal encounters is where some animals will lead you. While on an adventure in Mexico with friends, the group was lost but encountered a blue morpho butterfly that was traveling at the same speed as their slow-moving vehicle. One person chose to get out and walk, which seemed faster and followed the butterfly to its destination. The destination was an amazing waterfall and beautiful river, which seemed to be exactly where the butterfly wanted the people to go.

Sea Lions Playing Tag

There are many sea lions that make the Galapagos Islands home, giving them a wonderful place to play and swim. Sea lions are extremely playful, especially young ones. One diver encountered some sea lions that were playing tag with each other and wanted the diver to join in. They felt a tug on their flippers which was a sea lion attempting to get them to join in the game and play tag in the water. This is certainly a cool memory for that diver.

Some of the strangest animal encounters can turn into beautiful events that create lasting memories for people. Do you have any animal encounter stories that you love to remember?

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