How to Vanish from the Internet Without a Trace

Can you vanish from the internet? You might not be able to rid yourself of all tracking programs that are finding you, but you could disappear from the internet.

Have you ever threatened to go sit on a mountain? This is a term used to describe going to a remote location where nobody can find you. Most of us think of cellular and data coverage in mountainous regions to be spotty or not present. You could use this thought process to vanish from the internet and avoid others finding you online.

Can you actually leave the internet completely?

Before we get into the steps you’ll want to take to scrub your online identity; you must know that erasing every trace of your online life might not be feasible. That doesn’t mean you can’t remove a great deal of your online information to make it much more difficult for others to learn about you online. This could be necessary if your personal information were exposed to data breaches that can be detrimental to your future lifestyle. You will still have some online information after following these steps, but not nearly as much as before.

Reduce your online presence

Whether you’ve got to avoid cyberstalkers or have already been victimized by a personal data breach, reducing your internet presence is possible. You might not be able to vanish from the internet without a trace, but you can reduce your online footprint. The first thing you’ve got to do is stop generating new digital traces. This can be hard to understand, but you have to stop using online services for anything that you do.

Here are a few ways to reduce your online presence:

Delete or deactivate old accounts

Over the years, you’ve created various social website profiles, connected with companies online, given out your email address, and connected with companies through online communication. You’ll want to delete and deactivate your old accounts to reduce your digital presence. You can start with Google Password Manager. This is where you’ll find a list of all the online accounts and apps you’ve asked Google to save your passwords. If you don’t actively need the accounts listed, start deleting them.

Delete social media

This is a tough one for most people because social media has grown to be such a huge part of our lives. This is where we connect with people who are miles away and engage with them daily. Unfortunately, you’ll need to delete your social media accounts if you want to vanish from the internet as much as possible. It’s not enough to simply change the settings or stop using your profiles; you’ve got to delete and deactivate your accounts.

Note: If you want to use social media but not under your real name, using a fake name and burner email can help you stay connected with some people, at least those who understand your predicament.

Leave data broker sites

Data brokers are companies that exist to collect and compile information based on your online activity. They sell this information to advertisers or other third parties, and that data can’t be wiped by simply deleting accounts or your browsing history. You can submit requests to have your data deleted, but this process can take time and effort on your part.

Leave Google

How can you remove your data from Google? Google uses a web directory that points to websites and helps bring information to you much faster using your previous purchase history, search queries, website visits, and more. This means you’ve given Google a ton of sensitive data over the years. You have the right to request removal in some situations by:

Submitting an outdated content removal request

If a page or image no longer exists but still shows up in search results, you can submit an outdated content removal request directly to Google.

Submitting an illegal content removal request

If Google displays content you believe violates laws or terms of service, you can use this request to remove that content. You’ll need to show that the content violates the terms of service.

Delete old emails

This should be pretty obvious, but if you want to vanish from the internet, you’ve got to delete old email accounts that have been gathering digital dust but could be used to hack your information.

Clear your browser

Regularly clearing your browser history and clearing the cache of cookies can reduce your online presence and make it more difficult for your online information to be used in the future.

Its nearly impossible to completely vanish from the internet, but these steps can help you reduce your online presence and become more difficult to hack or steal information from.

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